# fping -B
-my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
-my $cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "fping -t 100 -r 3 -B 2");
-$cmd->stdout_is_eq(" is unreachable\n");
-$cmd->stderr_like(qr{^(|( error while sending ping: No route to host\n)+)$});
-my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0);
-# 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 0.8 = 1.5
-cmp_ok($elapsed, '>=', 1.5);
-cmp_ok($elapsed, '<', 1.9);
+SKIP: {
+ if($^O eq 'darwin') {
+ skip 'timing test not reliable on macOS', 5;
+ }
+ my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
+ my $cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "fping -t 100 -r 3 -B 2");
+ $cmd->exit_is_num(1);
+ $cmd->stdout_is_eq(" is unreachable\n");
+ $cmd->stderr_like(qr{^(|( error while sending ping: No route to host\n)+)$});
+ my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0);
+ # 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 0.8 = 1.5
+ cmp_ok($elapsed, '>=', 1.5);
+ cmp_ok($elapsed, '<', 1.9);