This code cannot simply be copied and put under the GNU Public License or
any other GPL-like (LGPL, GPL2) License.
+settype($foo, "integer")
This code is made possible thx to samples made by Michael Bretterklieber <>
author of the PHP PECL Radius package
$volume['output_bytes_radius'] = remainder($volume['output_bytes']);
$volume['output_gigawords'] = gigawords($volume['output_bytes']);
+ // Make the volume data safe for our functions (It really needs to be integer or we get an error)
+ settype($volume['input_pkts'], "integer");
+ settype($volume['input_bytes_radius'], "integer");
+ settype($volume['input_gigawords'], "integer");
+ settype($volume['output_pkts'], "integer");
+ settype($volume['output_bytes_radius'], "integer");
+ settype($volume['output_gigawords'], "integer");
switch($radiusvendor) {
case 'cisco':