--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2018 Peter Green
+# Released under the MIT/Expat license, see doc/COPYING
+import os
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import gzip
+import urllib.request
+import stat
+#from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
+#from sortedcontainers import SortedList
+from collections import deque
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime
+import argparse
+import re
+from heapq import heappush, heappop
+import fcntl
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="mirror raspbian repo.")
+parser.add_argument("baseurl", help="base url for source repo (e.g. https://archive.raspbian.org/ )",nargs='?')
+parser.add_argument("mdurl", help="base url for mirrordirector or local source mirror (e.g. https://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/ )",nargs='?')
+parser.add_argument("hpurl", help="base url for last result hash pool (e.g. http://snapshot.raspbian.org/hashpool )",nargs='?')
+parser.add_argument("--internal", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) #base URL for private repo (internal use only)
+parser.add_argument("--sourcepool", help="specify a source pool to look for packages in before downloading them (useful if maintaining multiple mirrors)",action='append')
+parser.add_argument("--tmpdir", help="specify a temporary directory to avoid storing temporary files in the output tree, must be on the same filesystem as the output tree")
+#debug option to set the index file used for the "downloadnew" phase but not the "finalize" phase, used to test error recovery.
+parser.add_argument("--debugfif", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+#debug option to set the source url used to download "dists" files during the "downloadnew" phase, used to test error recovery.
+parser.add_argument("--debugfdistsurl", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+parser.add_argument("--tlwhitelist", help="specify comma-seperated whitelist of top-level directories")
+parser.add_argument("--cleanup",help="scan for and remove files not managed by raspbmirror from mirror tree", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("--debugskippool",help="skip downloading pool data, only download metadata (for debugging)",action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("--distswhitelist", help="specify comman seperated list of distributions")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+lockfd = os.open('.',os.O_RDONLY)
+fcntl.flock(lockfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+def addfilefromdebarchive(filestoverify,filequeue,filename,sha256,size):
+ size = int(size)
+ sha256andsize = [sha256,size,'M']
+ if filename in filestoverify:
+ if (sha256andsize[0:2] != filestoverify[filename][0:2]):
+ if stage == 'scanexisting':
+ print('warning: same file with different hash/size during scanexisting phase old:'+repr(filestoverify[filename])+' new:'+repr(sha256andsize))
+ #find existing sha1/size of file on disk if it exists
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ f = open(filename,'rb')
+ data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(data)
+ sha256hashed = sha256hash.hexdigest().encode('ascii')
+ size = len(data)
+ else:
+ #otherwise we have no idea
+ sha256 = None
+ size = None
+ filestoverify[filename] = [sha256,size,'M']
+ else:
+ print('error: same file with different hash/size during downloadnew phase old:'+repr(filestoverify[filename])+' new:'+repr(sha256andsize))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ filestoverify[filename] = sha256andsize
+ addtofilequeue(filequeue,filename)
+def addtofilequeue(filequeue,filename):
+ filenamesplit = filename.split(b'/')
+ if b'dists' in filenamesplit:
+ if filename.endswith(b'.gz'):
+ # process gz files with high priority so they can be used as substitutes for their uncompressed counterparts
+ heappush(filequeue,(10,filename))
+ else:
+ heappush(filequeue,(20,filename))
+ heappush(filequeue,(30,filename))
+#regex used for filename sanity checks
+pfnallowed = re.compile(b'[a-z0-9A-Z\-_:\+~\.]+',re.ASCII)
+shaallowed = re.compile(b'[a-z0-9]+',re.ASCII)
+def ensuresafepath(path):
+ pathsplit = path.split(b'/')
+ if path[0] == '/':
+ print("path must be relative")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for component in pathsplit:
+ if not pfnallowed.fullmatch(component):
+ print("file name contains unexpected characters")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif component[0] == '.':
+ print("filenames starting with a dot are not allowed")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def geturl(fileurl):
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(fileurl.decode('ascii')) as response:
+ data = response.read()
+ ts = getts(fileurl, response)
+ return (data,ts)
+def getts(fileurl, response):
+ if fileurl[:7] == b'file://':
+ ts = os.path.getmtime(fileurl[7:])
+ else:
+ dt = parsedate_to_datetime(response.getheader('Last-Modified'))
+ if dt.tzinfo is None:
+ dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ ts = dt.timestamp()
+ return ts
+def makenewpath(path):
+ if args.tmpdir is None:
+ return path+b'.new'
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(args.tmpdir.encode('ascii'),(path+b'.new').replace(b'/',b'~'))
+def getfile(path,sha256,size):
+ ensuresafepath(path)
+ if not shaallowed.fullmatch(sha256):
+ print('invalid character in sha256 hash')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #hashfn = b'../hashpool/' + sha256[:2] +b'/'+ sha256[:4] +b'/'+ sha256
+ #if os.path.isfile(hashfn):
+ # if os.path.getsize(hashfn) != size:
+ # print('size mismatch on existing file in hash pool')
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ #else:
+ # secondhashfn = None
+ # if args.secondpool is not None:
+ # secondhashfn = os.path.join(args.secondpool.encode('ascii'),sha256[:2] +b'/'+ sha256[:4] +b'/'+ sha256)
+ # #print(secondhashfn)
+ # if not os.path.isfile(secondhashfn):
+ # secondhashfn = None
+ # if secondhashfn is None:
+ # else:
+ # print('copying '+path.decode('ascii')+' with hash '+sha256.decode('ascii')+' from secondary pool')
+ # f = open(secondhashfn,'rb')
+ # data = f.read()
+ # f.close()
+ # ts = os.path.getmtime(secondhashfn)
+ # sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(data)
+ # sha256hashed = sha256hash.hexdigest().encode('ascii')
+ # if (sha256 != sha256hashed):
+ # #print(repr(filesize))
+ # #print(repr(sha256))
+ # #print(repr(sha256hashed))
+ # print('hash mismatch while downloading file '+path.decode('ascii')+' '+sha256.decode('ascii')+' '+sha256hashed.decode('ascii'));
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ # if len(data) != size:
+ # print('size mismatch while downloading file')
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ # hashdir = os.path.dirname(hashfn)
+ # os.makedirs(hashdir,exist_ok=True)
+ # f = open(hashfn,'wb')
+ # f.write(data)
+ # f.close()
+ #
+ # os.utime(hashfn,(ts,ts))
+ if len(os.path.dirname(path)) > 0:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path),exist_ok=True)
+ if os.path.isfile(makenewpath(path)): # "new" file already exists, lets check the hash
+ fn = makenewpath(path)
+ sha256hashed, tl = getfilesha256andsize(fn)
+ if (sha256 == sha256hashed) and (size == tl):
+ print('existing file '+path.decode('ascii')+' matched by hash and size')
+ fileupdates.add(path)
+ return # no download needed but rename is
+ elif path in oldknownfiles:
+ #shortcut exit if file is unchanged, we skip this if a "new" file was detected because
+ #that means some sort of update was going on to the file and may need to be finished/cleaned up.
+ oldsha256,oldsize,oldstatus = oldknownfiles[path]
+ if (oldsha256 == sha256) and (oldsize == size) and (oldstatus != 'F'):
+ return # no update needed
+ if os.path.isfile(path): # file already exists
+ if (size == os.path.getsize(path)): #no point reading the data and calculating a hash if the size does not match
+ sha256hashed, tl = getfilesha256andsize(path)
+ if (sha256 == sha256hashed) and (size == tl):
+ print('existing file '+path.decode('ascii')+' matched by hash and size')
+ if os.path.isfile(makenewpath(path)):
+ #if file is up to date but a "new" file exists and is bad
+ #(we wouldn't have got this far if it was good)
+ #schedule the "new" file for removal by adding it to "basefiles"
+ basefiles.add(makenewpath(path))
+ return # no update needed
+ if os.path.isfile(path): # file already exists
+ fileupdates.add(path)
+ if os.path.isfile(makenewpath(path)):
+ os.remove(makenewpath(path))
+ outputpath = makenewpath(path)
+ else:
+ outputpath = path
+ pathsplit = path.split(b'/')
+ if (pathsplit[1:2] == [b'pool']) and (args.debugskippool):
+ print('skipping download of '+path.decode('ascii')+' because --debugskippool was specified')
+ return
+ if (args.internal is not None) and (pathsplit[0] == b'raspbian'):
+ fileurl = args.internal.encode('ascii') +b'/private/' + b'/'.join(pathsplit[1:])
+ else:
+ fileurl = baseurl + b'/' + path
+ data = None
+ if args.sourcepool is not None:
+ for sourcepool in args.sourcepool:
+ #print(repr(args.sourcepool))
+ #print(repr(sourcepool))
+ sourcepool = sourcepool.encode('ascii')
+ if pathsplit[1] == b'pool':
+ spp = os.path.join(sourcepool,b'/'.join(pathsplit[2:]))
+ if os.path.isfile(spp) and (size == os.path.getsize(spp)):
+ print('trying file from sourcepool '+spp.decode('ascii'))
+ ts = os.path.getmtime(spp)
+ f = open(spp,'rb')
+ data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(data)
+ sha256hashed = sha256hash.hexdigest().encode('ascii')
+ if (sha256 != sha256hashed):
+ #print(repr(filesize))
+ #print(repr(sha256))
+ #print(repr(sha256hashed))
+ print('hash mismatch while trying file from sourcepool, ignoring file');
+ data = None
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.link(spp,outputpath)
+ print('successfully hardlinked file to source pool')
+ except:
+ print('file in souce pool was good but hard linking failed, copying file instead')
+ fdownloads.write(outputpath+b'\n')
+ fdownloads.flush()
+ return
+ if data is None:
+ if path+b'.gz' in knownfiles:
+ if path+b'.gz' in fileupdates:
+ gzfile = makenewpath(path+b'.gz')
+ else:
+ gzfile = path+b'.gz'
+ print('uncompressing '+gzfile.decode('ascii')+' with hash '+sha256.decode('ascii')+' to '+outputpath.decode('ascii'))
+ f = gzip.open(gzfile)
+ data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ ts = os.path.getmtime(gzfile)
+ if not checkdatahash(data, sha256, 'hash mismatch while uncompressing file ', path, ''):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(data) != size:
+ print('size mismatch while uncompressing file')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #use slicing so we don't error if pathsplit only has one item
+ if (data is None) and (mdurl is not None) and (pathsplit[1:2] == [b'pool']):
+ fileurl = mdurl + b'/' + path
+ #fileurl = mdurl + b'/' + b'/'.join(pathsplit[1:])
+ data, ts = getandcheckfile(fileurl, sha256, size, path, outputpath, ' from mirrordirector',' trying main server instead')
+ if data is None:
+ if (args.internal is not None) and (pathsplit[0] == b'raspbian'):
+ fileurl = args.internal.encode('ascii') +b'/private/' + b'/'.join(pathsplit[1:])
+ elif (args.debugfdistsurl is not None) and (stage == 'downloadnew') and (b'dists' in pathsplit):
+ fileurl = args.debugfdistsurl.encode('ascii') + b'/' + path
+ else:
+ fileurl = baseurl + b'/' + path
+ data, ts = getandcheckfile(fileurl, sha256, size, path, outputpath, '','')
+ if data is None:
+ if (stage == 'downloadnew') and (b'dists' not in pathsplit):
+ print('continuing dispite download failure of '+path.decode('ascii')+', may revisit later')
+ global dlerrorcount
+ dlerrorcount += 1
+ knownfiles[path][2] = 'F'
+ return
+ if (data is None) and (hpurl is not None):
+ print('failed to get '+path.decode('ascii')+' from normal sources, trying hash pool')
+ ensuresafepath(sha256)
+ fileurl = hpurl + b'/' + sha256[0:2] + b'/' + sha256[0:4] + b'/' + sha256
+ data, ts = getandcheckfile(fileurl, sha256, size, path, outputpath, '', '')
+ if data is None:
+ print('failed to get '+path.decode('ascii')+' aborting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if data is not ...: #... is used to indicate that the file has been downloaded directly to disk and we don't
+ # need to write it out here.
+ f = open(outputpath,'wb')
+ f.write(data)
+ f.close()
+ os.utime(outputpath,(ts,ts))
+ fdownloads.write(outputpath+b'\n')
+ fdownloads.flush()
+def getfilesha256andsize(fn):
+ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256()
+ f = open(fn, 'rb')
+ l = bs
+ tl = 0
+ while l == bs:
+ data = f.read(bs)
+ l = len(data)
+ tl += l
+ sha256hash.update(data)
+ f.close()
+ sha256hashed = sha256hash.hexdigest().encode('ascii')
+ return sha256hashed, tl
+bs = 16 * 1024 * 1024
+def getandcheckfile(fileurl, sha256, size, path, outputpath, errorfromstr, errorsuffix):
+ f = None
+ try:
+ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256()
+ if path == outputpath:
+ writepath = makenewpath(path)
+ viamsg = ' via '+writepath.decode('ascii')
+ else:
+ writepath = outputpath
+ viamsg = ''
+ print(
+ 'downloading ' + fileurl.decode('ascii') + ' with hash ' + sha256.decode(
+ 'ascii') + ' to ' + outputpath.decode(
+ 'ascii') + viamsg)
+ f = open(writepath, 'wb')
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(fileurl.decode('ascii')) as response:
+ l = bs
+ tl = 0
+ while l == bs:
+ data = response.read(bs)
+ f.write(data)
+ l = len(data)
+ tl += l
+ sha256hash.update(data)
+ ts = getts(fileurl, response)
+ data = ... #used as a flag to indicate that the data is written to disk rather than stored in memory
+ f.close()
+ if not testandreporthash(sha256hash, sha256, 'hash mismatch while downloading file' + errorfromstr + ' ', path,
+ errorsuffix):
+ data = None
+ elif tl != size:
+ print('size mismatch while downloading file' + errorfromstr + '.' + errorsuffix)
+ data = None
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('exception ' + str(e) + ' while downloading file' + errorfromstr + '.' + errorsuffix)
+ if f is not None:
+ f.close()
+ data = None
+ ts = None
+ if data is not None:
+ #success
+ if writepath != outputpath:
+ os.rename(writepath, outputpath)
+ else:
+ #failure, cleanup writepath if nessacery
+ if os.path.exists(writepath):
+ os.remove(writepath)
+ return data, ts
+def checkdatahash(data, sha256, errorprefix, path, errorsuffix):
+ sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(data)
+ return testandreporthash(sha256hash, sha256, errorprefix, path, errorsuffix)
+def testandreporthash(sha256hash, sha256, errorprefix, path, errorsuffix):
+ sha256hashed = sha256hash.hexdigest().encode('ascii')
+ if (sha256 != sha256hashed):
+ # print(repr(filesize))
+ # print(repr(sha256))
+ # print(repr(sha256hashed))
+ print(errorprefix + path.decode('ascii') + ' ' + sha256.decode('ascii') + ' ' + sha256hashed.decode(
+ 'ascii') + errorsuffix);
+ return False
+ return True
+if (args.mdurl is None) or (args.mdurl.upper() == 'NONE'):
+ mdurl = None
+ mdurl = args.mdurl.encode('ascii')
+if (args.hpurl is None) or (args.hpurl.upper() == 'NONE'):
+ hpurl = None
+ hpurl = args.hpurl.encode('ascii')
+if args.baseurl is None:
+ baseurl = b'https://archive.raspbian.org'
+ mdurl = b'http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org'
+ hpurl = b'http://snapshot.raspbian.org/hashpool'
+ baseurl = args.baseurl.encode('ascii')
+symlinkupdates = list()
+fileupdates = set()
+def opengu(filepath):
+ #print('in opengu')
+ #print('filepath = '+repr(filepath))
+ #print('fileupdates = '+repr(fileupdates))
+ f = None
+ if (filepath in fileupdates):
+ print((b'opening '+makenewpath(filepath)+b' for '+filepath).decode('ascii'))
+ f = open(makenewpath(filepath),'rb')
+ elif (filepath+b'.gz' in fileupdates):
+ print((b'opening '+makenewpath(filepath+b'.gz')+b' for '+filepath).decode('ascii'))
+ f = gzip.open(makenewpath(filepath+b'.gz'),'rb')
+ elif os.path.exists(filepath):
+ print((b'opening '+filepath+b' for '+filepath).decode('ascii'))
+ f = open(filepath,'rb')
+ elif os.path.exists(filepath+b'.gz'):
+ print((b'opening '+filepath+b'.gz for '+filepath).decode('ascii'))
+ f = gzip.open(filepath+b'.gz','rb')
+ return f
+oldsymlinks = set()
+newsymlinks = set()
+fdownloads = open(makenewpath(b'raspbmirrordownloads.txt'),"ab")
+dlerrorcount = 0;
+for stage in ("scanexisting","downloadnew","finalize"):
+ if stage == "finalize":
+ if dlerrorcount == 0:
+ print('skipping stage 3 as there were no download failures in stage 2')
+ #we can finish now.
+ break
+ print('stage 3, download final updates')
+ oldknownfiles = knownfiles
+ oldsymlinks |= newsymlinks
+ newsymlinks = set()
+ if stage == "downloadnew":
+ print('stage 2, main download')
+ oldknownfiles = knownfiles
+ basefiles = set(oldknownfiles.keys())
+ if stage == "scanexisting":
+ print('stage 1, scan existing')
+ else:
+ if args.internal is not None:
+ fileurl = args.internal.encode('ascii') + b'/snapshotindex.txt'
+ else:
+ fileurl = baseurl +b'/snapshotindex.txt'
+ if (stage == "downloadnew") and (args.debugfif is not None):
+ fileurl = args.debugfif.encode('ascii')
+ (filedata,ts) = geturl(fileurl)
+ f = open(makenewpath(b'snapshotindex.txt'),'wb')
+ if (args.tlwhitelist is None) and (args.distswhitelist is None):
+ f.write(filedata)
+ else:
+ lines = filedata.split(b'\n')
+ if lines[-1] == b'':
+ del(lines[-1])
+ if args.tlwhitelist is not None:
+ tlwhitelist = set(args.tlwhitelist.encode('ascii').split(b','))
+ linesnew = []
+ for line in lines:
+ linesplit = line.split(b'/')
+ if linesplit[0] in tlwhitelist:
+ linesnew.append(line)
+ lines = linesnew
+ if args.distswhitelist is not None:
+ distswhitelist = set(args.distswhitelist.encode('ascii').split(b','))
+ founddists = set()
+ foundesdists = set()
+ linesnew = []
+ for line in lines:
+ path, sizeandsha = line.split(b' ')
+ pathsplit = path.split(b'/')
+ #print(pathsplit)
+ #print(len(pathsplit))
+ if (len(pathsplit) > 2) and (pathsplit[1] == b'dists'):
+ if sizeandsha[0:2] == b'->': #symlink
+ target = sizeandsha[2:]
+ if target in distswhitelist:
+ linesnew.append(line)
+ elif pathsplit[2] in distswhitelist:
+ linesnew.append(line)
+ founddists.add((pathsplit[0],pathsplit[2]))
+ if (len(pathsplit) > 3) and (pathsplit[3] == b'extrasources'):
+ foundesdists.add((pathsplit[0],pathsplit[2]))
+ elif (len(pathsplit) > 1) and pathsplit[1] == b'pool':
+ pass
+ else:
+ linesnew.append(line)
+ lines = linesnew
+ if founddists == set():
+ print('none of the whitelisted distributions were found in the index file')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ missingesdists = founddists - foundesdists
+ if missingesdists != set():
+ for toplevel,distribution in missingesdists:
+ print((b'missing extra sources file for '+toplevel+b'/dists/'+distribution).decode('ascii'))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for line in lines:
+ f.write(line+b'\n')
+ f.close()
+ os.utime(makenewpath(b'snapshotindex.txt'),(ts,ts))
+ knownfiles = OrderedDict()
+ filequeue = []
+ if stage == "scanexisting":
+ if os.path.isfile(b'snapshotindex.txt'):
+ f = open(b'snapshotindex.txt','rb')
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ f = open(makenewpath(b'snapshotindex.txt'),'rb')
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ filepath, sizeandsha = line.split(b' ')
+ if sizeandsha[:2] == b'->':
+ symlinktarget = sizeandsha[2:]
+ ensuresafepath(filepath)
+ ensuresafepath(symlinktarget)
+ if len(os.path.dirname(filepath)) > 0:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath),exist_ok=True)
+ if stage == "scanexisting":
+ oldsymlinks.add(filepath)
+ else:
+ if os.path.islink(filepath):
+ if os.readlink(filepath) != symlinktarget:
+ symlinkupdates.append((filepath,symlinktarget))
+ else:
+ print('creating symlink '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' -> '+symlinktarget.decode('ascii'))
+ os.symlink(symlinktarget,filepath)
+ newsymlinks.add(filepath)
+ else:
+ size,sha256 = sizeandsha.split(b':')
+ size = int(size)
+ knownfiles[filepath] = [sha256,size,'R']
+ addtofilequeue(filequeue,filepath)
+ f.close()
+ extrasources = {}
+ while filequeue:
+ (priority, filepath) = heappop(filequeue)
+ #print('processing '+filepath.decode('ascii'))
+ sha256,size,status = knownfiles[filepath]
+ if (stage != "scanexisting") and ((filepath+b'.gz' not in knownfiles) or (status == 'R') or os.path.exists(filepath)):
+ getfile(filepath,sha256,size)
+ pathsplit = filepath.split(b'/')
+ #print(pathsplit[-1])
+ #if (pathsplit[-1] == b'Packages'):
+ # print(repr(pathsplit))
+ if (pathsplit[-1] == b'Release') and (pathsplit[-3] == b'dists'):
+ distdir = b'/'.join(pathsplit[:-1])
+ f = opengu(filepath)
+ if f is None:
+ if stage == 'scanexisting':
+ print('warning: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' while scanning existing state')
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('error: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' or a gzipped substitute, aborting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ insha256 = False;
+ for line in f:
+ #print(repr(line[0]))
+ if (line == b'SHA256:\n'):
+ insha256 = True
+ elif ((line[0] == 32) and insha256):
+ linesplit = line.split()
+ filename = distdir+b'/'+linesplit[2]
+ #if filename in knownfiles:
+ # if files
+ #print(filename)
+ addfilefromdebarchive(knownfiles,filequeue,filename,linesplit[0],linesplit[1]);
+ else:
+ insha256 = False
+ f.close()
+ elif (pathsplit[-1] == b'Packages') and ((pathsplit[-5] == b'dists') or ((pathsplit[-3] == b'debian-installer') and (pathsplit[-6] == b'dists'))):
+ if pathsplit[-5] == b'dists':
+ toplevel = b'/'.join(pathsplit[:-5])
+ else:
+ toplevel = b'/'.join(pathsplit[:-6])
+ print('found packages file: '+filepath.decode('ascii'))
+ pf = opengu(filepath)
+ if pf is None:
+ if stage == 'scanexisting':
+ print('warning: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' while scanning existing state')
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('error: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' or a gzipped substitute, aborting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ filename = None
+ size = None
+ sha256 = None
+ for line in pf:
+ linesplit = line.split()
+ if (len(linesplit) == 0):
+ if (filename != None):
+ addfilefromdebarchive(knownfiles,filequeue,filename,sha256,size);
+ filename = None
+ size = None
+ sha256 = None
+ elif (linesplit[0] == b'Filename:'):
+ filename = toplevel+b'/'+linesplit[1]
+ elif (linesplit[0] == b'Size:'):
+ size = linesplit[1]
+ elif (linesplit[0] == b'SHA256:'):
+ sha256 = linesplit[1]
+ pf.close()
+ elif (pathsplit[-1] == b'Sources') and (pathsplit[-5] == b'dists'):
+ print('found sources file: '+filepath.decode('ascii'))
+ toplevel = b'/'.join(pathsplit[:-5])
+ pf = opengu(filepath)
+ if pf is None:
+ if stage == 'scanexisting':
+ print('warning: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' while scanning existing state')
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('error: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' or a gzipped substitute, aborting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ filesfound = [];
+ directory = None
+ insha256p = False;
+ for line in pf:
+ linesplit = line.split()
+ if (len(linesplit) == 0):
+ for ls in filesfound:
+ #print(repr(ls))
+ addfilefromdebarchive(knownfiles,filequeue,toplevel+b'/'+directory+b'/'+ls[2],ls[0],ls[1]);
+ filesfound = [];
+ directory = None
+ insha256p = False
+ elif ((line[0] == 32) and insha256p):
+ filesfound.append(linesplit)
+ elif (linesplit[0] == b'Directory:'):
+ insha256p = False
+ directory = linesplit[1]
+ elif (linesplit[0] == b'Checksums-Sha256:'):
+ insha256p = True
+ else:
+ insha256p = False
+ pf.close()
+ elif (args.distswhitelist is not None) and (pathsplit[-1] == b'extrasources') and (pathsplit[-3] == b'dists'):
+ print('found extrasources file: '+filepath.decode('ascii'))
+ esf = opengu(filepath)
+ if esf is None:
+ if stage == 'scanexisting':
+ print('warning: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' while scanning existing state')
+ continue
+ else:
+ print('error: cannot find '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' or a gzipped substitute, aborting')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for line in esf:
+ line = line.strip()
+ filename , shaandsize = line.split(b' ')
+ size , sha256 = shaandsize.split(b':')
+ addfilefromdebarchive(knownfiles,filequeue,filename,sha256,size)
+ extrasources[filename] = shaandsize
+ #print(line)
+fdownloads = open(makenewpath(b'raspbmirrordownloads.txt'),"rb")
+for line in fdownloads:
+ basefiles.add(line.strip())
+def throwerror(error):
+ raise error
+if args.cleanup:
+ towalk = os.walk('.', True, throwerror, False)
+ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in towalk:
+ for filename in (filenames + dirnames): # os.walk seems to regard symlinks to directories as directories.
+ filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)[2:].encode('ascii') # [2:] is to strip the ./ prefix
+ # print(filepath)
+ if os.path.islink(filepath):
+ oldsymlinks.add(filepath)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)[2:].encode('ascii') # [2:] is to strip the ./ prefix
+ if not os.path.islink(filepath) and not filepath.startswith(b'snapshotindex.txt') and not filepath.startswith(b'raspbmirrordownloads.txt'):
+ basefiles.add(filepath)
+print('stage 4, moves and deletions')
+for filepath in fileupdates:
+ print((b'renaming '+makenewpath(filepath)+b' to '+filepath).decode('ascii'))
+ os.replace(makenewpath(filepath),filepath)
+for (filepath,symlinktarget) in symlinkupdates:
+ print('updating symlink '+filepath.decode('ascii')+' -> '+symlinktarget.decode('ascii'))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ os.symlink(symlinktarget,filepath)
+removedfiles = (basefiles | oldsymlinks) - (set(knownfiles.keys()) | newsymlinks)
+def isemptydir(dirpath):
+ #scandir would be significantly more efficient, but needs python 3.6 or above
+ #which is not reasonable to expect at this time.
+ #return os.path.isdir(dirpath) and ((next(os.scandir(dirpath), None)) is None)
+ return os.path.isdir(dirpath) and (len(os.listdir(dirpath)) == 0)
+for filepath in removedfiles:
+ #file may not actually exist, either due to earlier updates gone-wrong
+ #or due to the file being a non-realised uncompressed version of
+ #a gzipped file.
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ ensuresafepath(filepath)
+ print('removing '+filepath.decode('ascii'))
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ #clean up empty directories.
+ dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath)
+ while (len(dirpath) != 0) and isemptydir(dirpath):
+ print('removing empty dir '+dirpath.decode('ascii'))
+ os.rmdir(dirpath)
+ dirpath = os.path.dirname(dirpath)
+f = open(makenewpath(b'snapshotindex.txt'),'ab')
+for filename, shaandsize in extrasources.items():
+ f.write(filename+b' '+shaandsize+b'\n')