// Extra data to identify the client and nas
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, $clientip, "addr");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, $callingstationid);
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLED_STATION_ID, $calledstationid);
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, $callingstationid);
// Send request
$result = $racct->send();
$volume['output_bytes_radius'] = remainder($volume['output_bytes']);
$volume['output_gigawords'] = gigawords($volume['output_bytes']);
- // Make the volume data safe for our radius.inc functions (It really needs to be integer or we get an error)
- // Working with an array to hold the data gives problems so we change them to normal vars
- foreach ($volume as $var => $value) {
- $var = $value;
- settype($var, "int");
- }
switch($radiusvendor) {
case 'cisco':
// Construct data package
$racct->username = $username;
$racct->addServer($radiusip, $radiusport, $radiuskey);
+ // Set session_time
+ $racct->session_time = $session_time;
if (PEAR::isError($racct->start())) {
$retvalue['acct_val'] = 1;
return $retvalue;
+ // The RADIUS PECL Package doesn't have this vars so we create them ourself
// Default attributes
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_NAS_PORT, $nas_port);
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_SESSION_ID, $sessionid);
- // We have 2 ways to set the session-time, We are setting it through a var, reason see method putAuthAttributes()
- $racct->session_time = $session_time;
// Extra data to identify the client and nas
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, $clientip, "addr");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, $callingstationid);
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLED_STATION_ID, $calledstationid);
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_CALLING_STATION_ID, $callingstationid);
- // Volume stuff: Ingress (Note: remove the explicit integer if the type conversion works like we expect)
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS, $input_pkts, "integer");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS, $input_bytes_radius, "integer");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS, $input_gigawords, "integer");
+ // Volume stuff: Ingress
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS, $volume['input_pkts'], "integer");
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS, $volume['input_bytes_radius'], "integer");
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS, $volume['input_gigawords'], "integer");
// Volume stuff: Outgress
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS, $output_pkts, "integer");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS, $output_bytes_radius, "integer");
- $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS, $output_gigawords, "integer");
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS, $volume['output_pkts'], "integer");
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS, $volume['output_bytes_radius'], "integer");
+ $racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS, $volume['output_gigawords'], "integer");
if (!$interimupdate)
$racct->putAttribute(RADIUS_ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE, $term_cause);
// We use BCMath functions since normal integers don't work with so large numbers
$gigawords = bcdiv( bcsub( $bytes, remainder($bytes) ) , 2147483647) ;
+ // We need to manually set this to a zero instead of NULL for put_int() safety
+ if (is_null($gigawords)) {
+ $gigawords = 0;
+ }
return $gigawords;
// Calculate the bytes we are going to send to the radius
$bytes = bcmod($bytes, 2147483647);
+ if (is_null($bytes)) {
+ $bytes = 0;
+ }
return $bytes;
$volume = array();
+ // Initialize vars properly, since we don't want NULL vars
+ $volume['input_pkts'] = $volume['input_bytes'] = $volume['output_pkts'] = $volume['output_bytes'] = 0 ;
// Ingress
exec("/sbin/ipfw show {$ruleno}", $ipfw);
preg_match("/(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+skipto/", $ipfw[0], $matches);
$volume['input_pkts'] = $matches[2];
$volume['input_bytes'] = $matches[3];
- /* These functions are moved to the accounting part
- $volume['input_bytes_radius'] = remainder($matches[3]);
- $volume['input_gigawords'] = gigawords($matches[3]);
- */
// Flush internal buffer
preg_match("/(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+skipto/", $ipfw[1], $matches);
$volume['output_pkts'] = $matches[2];
$volume['output_bytes'] = $matches[3];
- /* These functions are moved to the accounting part
- $volume['output_bytes_radius'] = remainder($matches[3]);
- $volume['output_gigawords'] = gigawords($matches[3]);
- */
return $volume;